Valdir, The Barbarian

A concept for an arctic Barbarian, inspired by traditional clothing from Mongolia. I had a lot of fun with this one, planning out the rough bodies, sketching the outfits, and finally rendering.

Scroll down to see my process!

These iterations were mostly for me to get a feeling for what Valdir was, and who he was. I knew I wanted someone who looked badass, but also had some style or cares about what they wore. I was tired of seeing the traditional naked Barbarian with the loincloth, so I opted for full-body garb. Additionally, I was really into drag at the time so I thought a lot about different furs and waist-length tunics and pants.

Finally, at this point I sketched out Valdir as cleanly as possible within the one night I had to do this. Looking at all three, I really liked concept 1 but I hated how much he looked like he just came out of a hair commercial. I opted to mix the two by integrating the accessories and hair from concept 2, and went for a darker colour palette to convey the aggressive feeling I felt from concept 3.


Lady Keziah


Dragonhead Greatshield